Onlive Microconsole (Worth around £70 from their official store)
Copy of PC Gamer with codes for a TF2 hat and 30 days of access to the Onlive Playpack, containing around 100 games
Onlive T-Shirt
Counter Strike: Global Offensive T-Shirt
Code for the CS:GO beta test when it opens
A copy of Rift with 40 days of game time
A potential invite to the End of Nations beta test
Card saying that I got to test out the Playstation Vita
Inflatable Mass Effect 3 Omni-blade
In terms of games, I played:
Mass Effect 3
Assassin's Creed Revelations (Mutliplayer only)
Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary (Multiplayer only)
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Super Mario 3D Land
Mario Kart 7
Kid Icarus
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
LittleBigPlanet prototype on the PS Vita
Trackmania 2
Super Pokemon Rumble
I took some pictures, if people are interested I'll upload them somewhere you can see them.
You should totally give me that TF2 hat code as well as upload some pictures
also you have to go into extreme detail about skyward sword
Regarding the codes, I used the plural because there is a code for the hat and a code for the Onlive Playpack. There's only one of each per magazine I'm afraid.
Game reviews will be posted later.