Tekken producer updates status on Tekken 3D: Prime Edition, Wii U
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 04 2011 06:51 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following comments come from producer for Tekken Katushiro Harada...

Status of Tekken 3D: Prime Edition...

"[There are] seven Tekken Project members on Tekken 3D Prime Edition with an outside company handling the tech."

Status of Tekken Wii U...

"[Laughs] For Wii U, at the moment, the core members aren't really assigned to that yet. We have a different group outside the Tekken Project within our company that works on advanced technology. So that section is currently evaluating the hardware and the specs, and what would be necessary to create a Tekken on [Wii U]. Once their evaluation and research is done, they'll kick it to us and we'll start laying out the specs for that. But we're not at that point yet."


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