Eufloria review: Fight the flowers that be
Posted by Joystiq Oct 06 2011 11:42 GMT in Eufloria
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The games industry is often known for its bluster. Its explosions, its gruesome headshots, its eerily realistic prostitutes. Less well known is the games industry's quiet, thoughtful nephew who, instead of getting drunk and grabby at Thanksgiving, crawls under the table to finish the 1000-piece puzzle he's been working on. That nephew is the independent games community.

Sony has done right by indie games, giving them an outlet on PSN, taking big risks with artsy titles like Flower and PixelJunk Eden. The publisher's latest indie outreach is Eufloria, another quiet, subtle game that blends elements of RPGs, space exploration, and RTS games with soothing visuals and a stellar ambient soundtrack.

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