How Is Fifa 12 Like An RPG?
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 13 2011 16:22 GMT in EA Sports
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In an interview over at The Guardian, EA Sports’ Andrew Wilson has been talking about foot-to-ball game Fifa 12, which according to sales figures all of you own several hundred copies of. There’s an interesting curveball of a comment from the interviewer though when he compares Fifa to an RPG leading vice-president Wilson to respond thusly:

“I think it’s pretty perceptive to look at it as an RPG, and while we don’t use that terminology for the game externally, we certainly look at it that way internally. An RPG is made up of a number of things: you have to have a unique ID – or unique character – you need persistence and progression for that character, ever-changing content which keeps the world rich and it’s a good idea to wrap it up in a rich economy.”

To the Deciphertron!


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