EA on convincing gamers that their sports titles are more than just yearly roster updates
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 13 2011 17:37 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a GamesIndustry interview with EA's Andrew Wilson...

GI: It is difficult, because the iterative nature of sports games is a necessary evil to a degree. The real sports run to an annual cycle, so it makes sense that the virtual versions should do the same. Is the real battle finding ways to make the consumer see that tight regularity as a positive thing?

Andrew Wilson: I look at FIFA. Right now that's a 91 or 92 rated game depending on the platform; it was, I think, 89 last year, and 91 the year before. The industry, the media and the consumer are recognising that there's a lot going on in sports games beyond just a roster update.

Now, in defence of the industry, I don't think we were always putting in the level of energy and commitment that we do today, which is necessary to deliver these games. So the feeling five years ago that we weren't doing everything we should be wasn't necessarily misplaced.

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