Pinball FX2 offers free 'Paranormal' table starting next Wednesday
Posted by Joystiq Oct 19 2011 09:00 GMT in Pinball FX 2
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XBLA's Pinball FX2 will offer its new table, "Paranormal," for free between October 26 and November 2. The catch? You have to download Pinball FX2, which is also free... wait, that's not a "catch."

"Yes, you get to keep it FOREVER. Just download it between October 26 and November 2," Zen Studios' PR guru Mel Kirk told us. "In celebration of one year of Pinball FX2, and as a big thank you to all of our supporters, we are happy to offer the new Paranormal table free for one week!"

After the gratis period, the table will likely be 240 MSP ($3), just like the others. The developer has been on a roll lately with some pretty fun tables, so if you've never tried Pinball FX2, free is a pretty good price point to find out if you're a flipper phenom.

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