Dungeon Defenders Updated
Posted by Valve Oct 24 2011 04:22 GMT in Dungeon Defenders
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7.04 Patch Notes:
* Steam persona names with non-ASCII characters can now connect to TrendyNet. (Korean names, etc)
* Fixed special characters "\", "/", "<" creating unjoinable online games
* Fixed "Start Wave" not updating to display the current Wave number of the match
* Fixed potential losing-mission-unlock issue
* Added option to toggle chase camera offset between left, right, and centered
* Added option to disable "automatic step towards melee target" behavior
* Made UI Scale keep the edge-alignment of the UI elements, so they stay at their corner even as they get smaller
* Console key now changed from Tilde to F1
* Apprentice: increased Tower attack rate ramp
* Squire: lowered Tower DPS ramp
* Increased maximum number of dropped items on the ground in missions
* Made "L" key quickly log/unlock the highlighted item in your Item Box
* Added -dowritelog commandline option to output log data & better error reporting method
* Reworked TrendyNet keep-alive logic to minimize disconnects and reduce load

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