Qore’s November Episode features Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, and UNCHARTED 3
Posted by PlayStation Blog Nov 01 2011 15:02 GMT in Assassin's Creed Revelations
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November is epic every year. And this November’s episode of Qore’s is huge with 3 epic stories and the reboot of a classic.

Enter the rich fantasy world of Bethsdea’s Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in this month’s lead feature story. The open world environment is re-imagined and gorgeous. Veronica Belmont explores the new character progression and enhanced visuals as she re-experiences going one-on-one with a dragon!

Next, jump into Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. Much has changed with the end of this story arc, Qore discovers why Ubisoft has a playable Altair, how Ezio’s new eagle vision impacts gameplay, and where the series will go from here.

As a follow up to Qore’s earlier profile of Naughty Dog’s Amy Hennig about the story of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, this month they focus on the amazing technology and behind the scenes engineering magic used to create the breathtaking environments and robust character animations (that I’ll be enjoying when I get home tonight).

Also check out the beautifully hand drawn environments and characters in the reboot of the classic Rayman Origins, which brings the series back to its 2D roots.

For everyone that downloads Qore this month we have an amazing UNCHARTED 3 theme you definitely don’t want to miss!

And, finally, as many of you already know, after 42 episodes, hundreds of feature stories, and thousands of miles traveled as the host of Qore, Veronica Belmont is leaving the show after this episode. Veronica’s been with the show since the beginning and we’ll miss her dedication, professionalism, and crazy sense of humor. We wish her all the best in her new endeavors.

We’ll be introducing the new host of Qore next month. But for now, here’s one final word from V:

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