Zelda fan marathon for charity benefit
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 10 2011 00:26 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The team were inspired by the generosity of the guys at mariomarathon.com and extralives.org who have ran successful video game marathons beforehand and are very pleased to announce our own Zelda Marathon charity event mirroring thier efforts.

In order to be a tad more unique we aim to begin one week before the release date of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword due in the UK on the 18th of Nov and we have to complete them all within the week starting Skyward on release day! We are only playing using the original consoles and game cartridges/discs​; the reasoning for this is so that our adventure can truely pay homage to the previous games in the series and take us on the multiple quests to claim the Blade of Evil’s Bane and rescue the Princess Zelda through the many various depictions of Hyrule that we physically can, all the way from the original 1986 NES game “The Legend of Zelda” to.. providing we time it right the latest Wii installment in the series “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword” all the while collecting the spare rupees that our viewer’s can spare from their giant’s wallets for GamesAid.

Can we do it all within 9 days?

All leading up to the release of Skyward Sword, things kick off Friday at 10am GMT.

Source: Zelda Gamesaid

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