Home Weekly Update: Watch Free Full-Length Movies with Crackle
Posted by PlayStation Blog 13 years ago in PlayStation Home
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PlayStation Home is proud to announce the release of Crackle on all LOOT EOD Screens this week. Now you can watch hundreds of full-length Hollywood movies and thousands of television shows with your friends for free. The LOOT EOD Screens can be found in the LOOT EOD Theater, Sunset Yacht, and the Hollywood Hills House. Catch up on these must-see movies available from Crackle: Step Brothers, Cruel Intentions, Snatch, Resident Evil, A Few Good Men, Final Fantasy: Advent Children, and many more! What will you watch first?

After a little movie magic, make your way to the Lockwood store in the Mall as they have brought several new and exciting items—the new Drey and the Retronaut collections. They are sure to appeal to both the fashionable and the futuristic in all of us.


Drey is about living life without limits – a life of social events and being the person who lights up the room when you enter. Drey deals in the fascinating, incredible, shocking and amazing. It’s not just about how you look; it’s about how it makes you feel… like a million dollars. Inspired by New York, London, Paris and Milan runways, Lockwood presents this exclusive high fashion collection only in PlayStation Home. It’s time to celebrate in style – say hello to the new you!


Also in the Lockwood store, Fool Throttle introduces more off the wall fashion with the Retronauts, a bunch of stylish space travelers who wear only the finest vintage space suits. They’re all about accessorizing, so even their space helmets and their ray guns are in colors that compliment their outfits. And what’s the point in travelling if you don’t bring back a few souvenirs to show off in your apartment? The Retronauts have lugged some attractive crystal formations back from the far corners of the galaxy – they make great ornaments.


Thanksgiving celebrations continue this week with Turkey Chase yielding another item to your collection of things to be thankful for. Head to Pier Park and pick up your second piece of tasty goodness.



In the PlayStation Store, there are two new value pack bundles—the PlayStation Home Military Pack and the PlayStation Home Heroes and Villains Pack, each with the sweet price tag of just $4.99. Each bundle comes with over 30 indiviual items and/or outfits, making them quite a deal. To find them, on the XMB go to the PlayStation Network icon > PlayStation Store. Once in the Store, select View All by Title > H Titles > PlayStation Home. Enjoy!


The PlayStation Home Community Theater gets its weekly update with three new, exclusive videos from Hip Hop Gamer, Replay with Doc, and Urgent Fury. Hip Hop snags a great interview covering House of the Dead with the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter, while Doc and Hippe interview Tim Cox from Brady Games, and finally Jack Dellhouse from Urgent Fury shares insight on the recently released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and its subtle changes and additional polish that enhance everything that fans of the COD franchise will love. Head to screen 1 in the Theater to enjoy the show.

Following that, there are some new sale items in the Mall. Get them while they’re hot! Also be sure to search for the 10 new free items of the week. Magnus and co. are in the generous spirit a little early!


As you all know, the recent Fall Blowout Item Sale has ended, and though all the included items were scheduled for permanent retirement, the community has spoken. The Hamster suits that were scheduled to go with the rest of the “last chance” items will continue to be available going forward. Long live Hamster Freedom!

See you in Home!

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