All Xbox dash apps must have Kinect functionality going forward
Posted by Joystiq Dec 09 2011 15:50 GMT in Kinect
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With Microsoft's Kinect-friendly Xbox dashboard update now available to the masses, it looks like users can expect a lot more Kinect functionality built-in going forward. That is to say that every future dashboard app will be required to have Kinect functionality, according to Kotaku.

We got the word directly from Microsoft. From now on, all apps must offer Kinect support in some form (and it may be optional for users). We were told by a representative, "With the new dashboard our objective is to bring the power of Kinect functionality to every experience where voice and gestures make sense." Controller support, obviously, won't be abandoned, but Microsoft wants to insure that "consumers can simply use gestures, voice and their controllers in a seamless way."

[Update: Adjusted the post to make it clear that support is required from developers, not users.]

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