Skyrim flies past Modern Warfare 3 on UK charts
Posted by Joystiq Dec 12 2011 16:26 GMT in Gaming News
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It took some time for the Dovahkiin to level up, but Skyrim has slain a fearsome beast and taken the top spot of Chart-Track's UK sales chart. Five weeks after its debut, Skyrim has grabbed first place from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, thanks to the game's continued buzz and an average price reduction of £13 last week.

But an evil still lingers, growing in strength. Just Dance 3, the latest lieutenant in the army of dance darkness, tangos into third. The launch of the PS3 version of Just Dance 3 helped the game on the all formats chart, but the Wii edition still makes up 89 percent of sales.

The rest of the UK top ten is playing musical chairs, check those out after the break.

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