12 Days of Joyswag: Batman: Arkham City game, controller, shirt
Posted by Joystiq Dec 14 2011 02:00 GMT in Batman: Arkham City
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Another year, another 12 days of holiday giveaways! Starting today and running through Christmas Day, we're doing the one thing that makes us feel truly alive: giving. Specifically, we're giving you fine folks some of the swag we've managed to collect in our cluttered home offices. And the good will and merriment doesn't stop here! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for even more chances to win!

To kick things off, we're assembling a Batman: Arkham City prize worthy of three wise men but, instead of going to a bunch of bookworms, it's going to one of you. You'll get a copy of Batman: Arkham City for your Xbox 360, a Power A Batman: Arkham City controller for your hands, and a Batman: Arkham City t-shirt for your curiously unclothed torso. How do you win a prize of this magnitude? Head past the break for the answers to all life's questions.

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