Dungeon Defenders Updated
Posted by Valve Dec 16 2011 07:29 GMT in Dungeon Defenders
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7.13 Update Notes

Eternia Shards DLC
* Added Part 1 missions: Mistymire Forest, Portal Defense, LifeStream Hollow Uber MonsterFest (8-player), LifeStream Hollow PvP
* Added early-access to "Nightmare" difficulty mode for owners of the 'Eternia Shards Complete Pack' DLC, with Eternia Shard enemies featured, & corresponding level, enemy, spawn layout & boss rebalancings
* Added 5 new achievements: Mythical Defender, Portal Protector, Nightmare Portal Protector, Nightmare Eternia Shard Recovered: Purple, Eternia Shard Recovered: Purple
* Added new "Mythical" quality-level items, with a level requirement of 74

All Modes
* Fixed a GPU memory leak crash involving any mission with Terrain
* Possible to sell/buy items with a value above 100 million now.
* Added Adjustable Camera Field-Of-View Options slider
* Fixed 1-byte Stat overflow bug, and Raised maximum Per-Item Hero/Defense Stat to 360 (not a total cap, just on each individual item, up from 126)
* Changed Pet XP earnings to 100% of earned XP, up from 50%
* Fixed a Secure-Trade failure bug
* Fixed a UMF enemy-stuck area
* Added optional damage-red material flash when any object or character takes damage
* Raised Level Cap to 74
* DefenderStore.com items will now automatically remove from web listing when sold, dropped, or traded, and will switch between web Shop and web Inventory if moved between in-game Shop and Inventory respectively.
* DefenderStore.com listing name will now automatically match in-game shop name
* Damage resistance no longer reduces incoming momentum (knockback) from hits
* Moved shake-camera and step-towards-target options to the general options panel
* Made ALL Missions and Challenges have Leaderboards
* Added next/previous page buttons to the Play Statistics UI level list
* Nerfed Animus Damage by 33% (retroactive)
* Changed Piercing Shot & Piercing Spreadshot cooldown time from 1.25 seconds to 4 seconds
* TrendyNet will no longer accept connection from pre-7.13 game versions
* Increased non-equipment Stat point cap from 100 to 120


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