Hulk smash new Marvel pinball table next year
Posted by Joystiq Dec 23 2011 13:50 GMT in Pinball FX 2
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The Pinball games from Zen Studios -- Pinball FX 2 on XBLA and Marvel Pinball on PSN -- will receive a Hulk table sometime next year. XBLAfans took note of the forum post where Mel Kirk, VP of PR and Marketing for Zen Studios, explicitly announced the angry green goon's forthcoming appearance.

"Everything that comes from Marvel next year will be bigger, not necessarily character specific," Kirk told us when we asked about the table. "Hulk will be the main character, but it will be based on something in the Marvel storyline."

It would appear Zen Studios' relationship with Marvel is going well. The company launched the original Marvel tables last year, followed by DLC featuring Fantastic Four and Captain America (one of the best tables available), and the "Vengeance and Virtue" tables which came out last week. From what Zen Studios is saying, there's plenty more to come in 2012.

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