Star Ocean developers worked some magic on Final Fantasy XIII-2
Posted by Joystiq Dec 26 2011 15:00 GMT in Square Enix
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Did that almost reasonable 24-month turnaround time between Final Fantasy XIII and the just-released-in-Japan Final Fantasy XIII-2 rock your understanding of reality? Who could blame you? The development time of the last "direct" sequel was also pretty short -- two years between Final Fantasy X and X-2 -- but it was five years between Final Fantasy XII and XIII. Did Square-Enix make some dark sacrifice to summon the new game so quickly?

You'll probably need to talk with Tri-Ace about that. According to Tri-Ace programmer Yuichiro Kitao (courtesy of Twitter), the Star Ocean/Valkyrie Profile developer assisted with design, programming, and art on the all-too-rare Final Fantasy sequel. Animal sacrifice may have also been involved, but that's not the kind of thing you talk about on Twitter. That's okay, Square-Enix; even Santa had the elves for help with that Christmas(ish) miracle.

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perhaps it won't be quite as shit now

Reply by Super-Claus Dec 26 2011 15:17 GMT
Oh wow another final fantasy! The only way this day could be any better is of Sega announced Sonic the Hedgehog 12: Revenge of the Robot Werewolf Vampire Shadow Clones
Reply by Fortran Dec 26 2011 21:37 GMT
this was announced months ago quit being late
Reply by Super-Claus Dec 27 2011 00:19 GMT
doesn't change the fact that FF is *crag*ing gay. squenix is *crag*ing awful and the only good game they made was just cause
Reply by darkz Dec 27 2011 02:44 GMT

Yeah, something that's bad doesn't get 14 installments as well as 100000 spin-offs.

Reply by Doopliss Dec 27 2011 03:05 GMT


Not always true.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Dec 27 2011 04:03 GMT



Not always true.

Reply by Super-Claus Dec 27 2011 04:07 GMT
Doopliss go play some sanic and let the grownups talk.
Reply by Fortran Dec 27 2011 04:39 GMT

Oh, CoD isn't bad, the CoD fanbase is bad.

Reply by Doopliss Dec 27 2011 04:40 GMT
the fanbase disagrees
Reply by sims Dec 27 2011 04:58 GMT
you do realize a lot of the people who rated the game bad were people who don't like cod and just spammed the reviews?
a lot of them are actually just copy pasted reviews
Reply by darkz Dec 27 2011 05:00 GMT
since when have I ever paid attention to details
Reply by sims Dec 27 2011 05:06 GMT
modern brofare is pretty bad, though
Reply by Lord Crump Dec 27 2011 05:06 GMT
at least it's fun though.
that is, when compared to final fantasy
Reply by darkz Dec 27 2011 08:07 GMT
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