MGS Peace Walker features two control schemes
Posted by Joystiq Sep 21 2009 07:50 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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The Metal Gear Solid franchise transformed quite a bit in its last iteration, Guns of the Patriots for PS3. While many would argue that the third-person shooter controls implemented in MGS4 are superior than the standard controls of earlier Metal Gear games, Kojima Productions is giving players a choice. The upcoming Peace Walker will feature both "action type" controls from Portable Ops and "shooter type" controls inspired by MGS4.We're glad to hear that a new control scheme is being implemented in this second canonical MGS PSP game. The first game had terrific production values, but the controls certainly hampered our enjoyment. We can't wait to try the new Kojima-preferred controls when we get our hands on the downloadable demo at TGS this week.[Via Andriasang]

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