Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling 'happy' with MW3 holiday sales, sees the game as closure to Soap story
Posted by Joystiq Jan 10 2012 18:20 GMT in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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Robert Bowling, Infinity Ward's creative strategist and face of the Call of Duty series, is excellent at his job, in that he knows how not to answer questions directly. It's a skill set shared by all variety of politicians, and not one prized among journalists. Why bother explaining this? Because when I asked Bowling about holiday sales of his studio's latest game, Modern Warfare 3, I wasn't surprised when he gave the company line ("I don't have any numbers I can share with you"), though he did allow, "I'm happy." Presumably we'll find out just how happy Bowling is when last month's NPDs arrive in a couple weeks.

Rather than push the unspeakable, I turned my attention to more open topics, such as Modern Warfare 3's finale wrapping up the story of series leads John "Soap" MacTavish and Captain John Price. "Our goal with Modern Warfare 3 was definitely to get some closure on the story that we started with Call of Duty 4, and I think we've achieved that," Bowling said. While he wouldn't put a definitive end to their inclusion in the series, he did admit that MW3's campaign was intended as closure on the duo's story.

That said, Bowling doesn't want to say "never" to the concept of either character reappearing in future CoD entries. "I never like to speak in definites when it comes to story design, because you never wanna not have an opening or an out," he told me. And hey, if Danny Trejo can appear as a DLC character, anything could happen, right?

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