"Turtles Forever," an animated movie from 4Kids Entertainment where the different multi-verses of TMNT history team-up to battle the One True Shredder.
Posted by Francis Sep 22 2009 23:43 GMT in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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"The show's producer and director Lloyd Goldfine worked closely with the company behind the Turtles, Mirage Studios, and co-creator Peter Laird, to incorporate the three versions of the Turtles, from the 1980s, the 1990s and their current look."


Reply by Francis Sep 22 2009 23:44 GMT
one time they make something good... i think
Reply by count cannoli Sep 22 2009 23:44 GMT
I stopped reading after "4Kids".
Reply by MM Sep 22 2009 23:46 GMT
Second that.
Reply by Maemuki Sep 24 2009 15:30 GMT
Sure, they won't be using the Original voices (for obvious reasons), but it's gonna be great! My nephew and niece just recently got INTO the Old TMNT! 12 Ninja Turtles can really top 10 Red Rangers, when it comes to a team-up!
Reply by YoshiAngemon Nov 15 2009 04:33 GMT
This is going to air on TV on November 21st http://www.4kids.tv/buzz/view/catch-the-wo...
Reply by Francis Nov 15 2009 04:57 GMT
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