UK's Channel 4 finds new reality TV trend in The Sims 3
Posted by Joystiq Feb 01 2012 19:00 GMT in The Sims 3
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When reality television made its first foray into prime time, it was fairly clear why networks jumped on the trend with such enthusiasm. "Do we want to pay paltry sums of money to film untrained, attention-hungry people doing strange things in equally cheap locations? Yes. One thousand times yes." And then they did it, more than 1,000 times.

The UK's Channel 4 has taken that one trend deeper, getting rid of the real people completely with "SuperMe," a TV show filmed entirely in The Sims 3. SuperMe follows four Sims living together and is completely unscripted, except for the narrator, who provides insight into what the Sims are thinking, feeling and doing. As producer Somethin' Else describes it, "It's like real life, but improvised by robots."

The first episode is available to watch above -- personally, we find it more entertaining with this commentary.

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