Dragon Age: Redemption hits DVD on Felicia Day; er, Valentine's Day
Posted by Joystiq Feb 07 2012 00:00 GMT in Dragon Age: Redemption
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Let's skip the formalities and just say it: BioWare wants you to buy Felicia Day for Valentine's Day. No, not buy something for her, but purchase Felicia Day herself. And no, not in any illegal or gross sense of the word -- Dragon Age: Redemption, the six-part webseries available on Machinima's YouTube channel since October, is coming out in DVD form on February 14, complete with behind-the-scenes extras, a commentary track and blooper reel.

Dragon Age: Redemption parallels the story in Dragon Age 2's digital add-on, Mark of the Assassin, which features Day as an elf who assassinates things. Or, as Flatiron Film Company describes both forms of media, Felicia Day cosplaying!

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