Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker demo available now
Posted by Joystiq Sep 24 2009 04:20 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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If you weren't able to make the trip to Japan for the Tokyo Game Show this year, don't fret -- not only do we have you covered on the hot news scoop front, but IGN managed to snag a downloadable copy of the co-op enabled, TGS-exclusive (well, formerly TGS-exclusive, we guess) Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker demo for the PSP. Just make sure you've got the latest firmware, download the file from the acronymed gaming news site, unzip it and place it in your PSP's "Game" folder, and enjoy. If, while enjoying, you also happen to kick ass, you might even get a high enough ranking to unlock a special wallpaper for your Sony handheld. Finally, we have incentive to do something other than make cardboard box fortresses.

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