Ubisoft very excited for Wii U controller uses in Ghost Recon Online Wii U
Posted by GoNintendo Feb 29 2012 19:20 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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“The new controller especially resonated with us – for us it is the physical manifestation of the Cross Com 2.0 device. It is an actual physical device that elite forces around the world carry with them to give them a tactical advantage. With Ghost Recon Online Wii U, it’s not just tactical, but also tactile – the Cross Com and its entire arsenal of cool new tech are now literally at your fingertips. Through the touch pad, our fans will always be connected at home with their social network and with the activities happening in the game. It’s always on, even if your TV is off.” - Ghost Recon Online Wii U’s senior producer, Hugues Ricour

I am honestly chomping at the bit to play this game on Wii U. I'm hoping it's available day one for the system, be it download or retail. I want to hop on with some friends and recon my way around a city for some covert action!

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