Street Fighter X Tekken's 12 PS Vita characters will come to console
Posted by Joystiq Mar 02 2012 20:00 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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Capcom's Seth Killian told Shacknews that the 12 extra characters in the Vita edition of Street Fighter X Tekken would eventually arrive on consoles. We just have one question: DLC or Ultimate Edition release?

"We'll find a way to make sure that console fans are happy, as well," Killian noted at last night's launch party in Los Angeles. Sadly, he wouldn't go into specifics on when or how the additional dozen would be added to the console version. The 12 characters in question are Street Fighter's Elena, Guy, Cody, Sakura, Dudley and Blanka, and Tekken's Alisa, Christie, Jack, Brian, Lars and Lei.

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