Ninja Gaiden 3 to require online pass
Posted by Joystiq Mar 06 2012 19:35 GMT in Ninja Gaiden 3
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To become a ninja, one must learn -- the deadly arts of war, for example. Or how to wear those weird socks. Stuff like that.

You can't be any geek off the street, and so Tecmo-Koei has decided to lock the online multiplayer of Ninja Gaiden 3 behind an online pass. So says a listing on Gamefly warning potential renters of Ninja Gaiden 3, anyway.

We've sent our silent inquisitors to Tecmo-Koei to secure confirmation on the matter. We'll let you know what we hear back. Update: It's confirmed! Ninja Gaiden 3 will have an online pass.

[Thanks, Josh!]

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