Fall In: Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Is Live
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 13 2012 13:30 GMT in PC Gaming News
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You’ve read the interview (right?), some of you have even tried to throw money at the screen, and now the screen will actually accept your money. Sort of. The Kickstarter page for Wasteland 2 is now live and is currently receiving about $1,000 per sentence I write, which means I should stop writing sentences and just paste in the link. The page has details of the incentives, quotes one of our readers, and also contains an informative and rather amusing video that explains why Fargo wants to make the game, and also recreates some of the difficulties he’s had convincing publishers that the world wants a Wasteland sequel. “There was a Fallout 1 and 2?”

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