Capcom - No comment on MML3 cancellation, Ace Attorney Investigations 2 localization possible, spelling errors
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 13 2012 22:14 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a Game Informer interview with Capcom's Christian Svensson...

GI: Knowing what you know now about the result of the Mega Man Legends 3 project, would you change anything in the decision-making process? Are you still happy you tried this experiment?

CS: The transparency and involvement from the fans, it turned out to be a double-edged sword. In the end it’s still something I want to do more of. I don’t think we as an industry do enough of it. Being that transparent, unfortunately, opens the wounds much greater when something bad happens. I wouldn’t have changed that.

As for the decision to not move forward with the project, I’d prefer to not comment on that.

GI: Should we assume we’re not getting Ace Attorney Investigations 2 here in the U.S.?

CS: It is still an open discussion point. I’ll never say never, but I also won’t say it’s going to happen. I haven’t let go of that bone, and I hope the fans are still patient with us.

GI: So Capcom has had some spelling errors pop up recently. Of course everyone remembers the Resident Evil: Revelations typo. Then there was an error on the Asura’s Wrath promotional box. Capcom also misspelled the name of the company in the Steel Battalion trailer. What’s going on here? How does this keep happening?

CS: For Resident Evil: Revelations, I can’t even tell you how many people looked at that package and approved it. Nintendo of America, Nintendo Japan, ESRB, I don’t know how many people internally, and our guys in Japan. I can’t come up with an excuse for it. It just happened. We’re not happy about it.

There are new processes that were put in place that involve people outside the company. We’ve redefined who has final say over packaging. I’m cautiously optimistic we won’t be seeing this happen again. It’s embarrassing. I can’t really sugarcoat it.

There are only about 90,000 units that have the misprint. If you’ve got it and it’s shrink-wrapped, that’s a new special edition, that’s our new strategy. [laughs]

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