Zen Studios working on projects unrelated to pinball for 2012
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 14 2012 19:19 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a GamingNexus interview with Mel Kirk, the Vice President of Marketing for Zen Studios...

GN: Looking ahead, what are you most excited about from Zen in 2012? What’s the one thing you’re planning on doing now that you weren’t doing in 2011?

MK: There are a lot of exciting things happening at Zen right now. While we are riding the good feelings of 2011, we are hard at work on several new projects that are totally unrelated to pinball. These new games will be announced in the coming months, and I think we are out to show that we can do more than pinball. We have such a talented group of guys, it will be really nice to showcase their skills in new ways. As for pinball, we should be out on literally every digital channel by the end of 2012. There will be new Marvel tables, as well as tables based on other huge, iconic, internationally known, amazing (I guess I should stop there) brands.

One thing we are planning on doing in 2012 that we did not do in 2011 is to release a game unrelated to pinball!

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