Stark Footage Of The Game Of Thrones RPG
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 14 2012 10:12 GMT in A Game of Thrones RPG
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I’m starting to feel like an embedded reporter in Westeros. There are too many games of Games of Thrones. Cyanide’s take is an RRPG (sic) in the same vein as Dragon Age II. The combat system’s tweak to that format means that instead of pausing battles to pick the best strategic outcome, things instead just run very slowly. I believe it’s their criticism of how long it took George to write that last book. It’s also supposed to reflect the tension of the world’s fights, as well as letting you direct friendly combatants and selecting stances. I’ve played loads of games, and I’m not sure that’s possible. I had to put one book down after a chapter, then when I returned the next chapter made me do the same. It was too awful. Hold me.(more…)

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