PSN releases: Journey, Shoot Many Robots, Warp
Posted by Joystiq Mar 14 2012 14:30 GMT in Warp
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Several high-profile downloadable titles hit the PSN this week, with Journey being the can't-miss experience from thatgamecompany. Our Jordan Mallory was smitten by Journey, calling it a "beautiful, evocative and unequivocally transcendental experience." He may have used such words to describe a burrito he once had, but, in fairness, it was a really fabulous burrito.

If you're looking for a co-op, run-n'-gun shooter, it's worth trading a Hamilton for Shoot Many Robots. The oil splatter of blasted death machines is relentless in the game that teaches us a beer hat is your best friend when the robots rise up. For something a little more cerebral, stealth action puzzler Warp is also available. Head on over the PS Blog for all the details on this week's PSN update.

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