Face To Face With Crytek: Warface Interview
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 14 2012 16:00 GMT in Warface
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Is it unfashionable to be cynical about free-to-play these days?* I’m a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to this stuff. I don’t like the idea that game design, balance and content are all elements of a game that can and should be fiddled with depending on how many little chunks of money a player throws at the developer. I also think that the some examples of microtransactions are at best poor value, and at worst deeply exploitative. I’m open minded though. Especially open minded when the free-to-play game in question has got very shiny graphics, and lets you shoot robots. I sat down with Crytek’s Michael Krach & Michael Khaimzon at GDC to find out more about their upcoming Microtransaction based game, Warface, and it seems as though they saw me coming. (more…)

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