Epic still cagey on Wii U support outside of Unreal Engine usage
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 20 2012 19:17 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a CVG interview with Epic's Mark Rein...

CVG: Epic's conquered PC, console and now iOS... what's next?

MR: Well now we're also doing the web - but that's PC. I don't know? Let's see what's next to come from the minds of the world's smartest hardware manufacturers and we'll try to be great on that too.

CVG: You mentioned PS Vita and Wii U in your GDC presentation - those could be next on the list?

MR: Yes. Absolutely.

CVG: And specifically on the Wii U, you've been true to your word when you previously said Epic would work on Nintendo platforms as soon as it made good enough hardware...

MR: I think I said "like water on fish"! And then I went to the Nintendo press conference and they showed a little clip of Aliens: Colonial Marines made in our engine, running on the Wii U, and someone goes, 'what do you think now?' And I said, 'water, meet fish!'

We really are about that triple-A gaming experience, so we really do need platforms that can empower it. We feel like expelling a lot of energy trying to shoehorn ourselves onto different platforms that aren't a good fit doesn't make sense for us or our customers, or the future benefit of the industry. Sooner or later everybody upgrades and we can be beneficiaries of it - us and our licensees.

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