Ronimo hoping to bring Awesomenauts to PC
Posted by Joystiq Mar 26 2012 22:30 GMT in Awesomenauts
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Ronimo Games is currently working toward bringing its upcoming 2D MOBA title, Awesomenauts, to PC. Speaking to Joystiq, Ronimo's Jasper Koning and Olivier Thijssen revealed that the company is actively pursuing a PC version to follow the XBLA and PSN releases later this year. "It is our number one request, actually," said Thijssen, noting that the MOBA genre is very popular on PC. He added that Ronimo is "not 100 percent sure yet [that] we are going to do it, but we definitely want to do it."

Koning stated that Ronimo is in talks with Awesomenauts' console publisher DTP regarding a possible PC port. The biggest hurdle for a Steam version would be rebuilding the game's backend, something the studio doesn't currently have the capacity to do, though it is currently talking to Valve about the issue. Ronimo is also working on mouse and keyboard control schemes in order to support a broad range of players. "If we go to PC, we want to do it full on," said Koning, referencing League of Legends, which receives new content on a regular basis and has plenty of unlockable content to begin with.

The jump to PC would certainly make sense, as we've already seen other other downloadable titles find success after making the jump from consoles to PC. Recent examples include Monday Night Combat and Dungeon Defenders, both of which see copious downloadable content and frequent updates on PC, something rarely seen on PSN and XBLA thanks to costly and lengthy certification processes.

Stay tuned for the rest of the interview and an Awesomenauts preview later this week.

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