EA still in running for The Consumerist's Worst Company in America
Posted by Joystiq Mar 27 2012 19:00 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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Two weeks ago, The Consumerist launched the "Worst Company in America 2012" challenge, featuring 32 businesses from a variety of industries, including gaming, which this year threw three companies into the running: EA, Sony and GameStop.

EA and Sony battled it out in the first round, with EA fighting for its consistently high prices, DLC blitzes, poor reputation and quiet support of SOPA, and Sony for the major hack and subsequent change to its PSN terms of service that disallowed class-action lawsuits. EA won with 81 percent of the vote. EA has since beaten Best Buy with 66 percent of the vote and is in the final eight, facing Comcast tomorrow at noon ET.

GameStop, playing on its link to high, stagnant prices, poor customer service and the industry-wide pre-order exclusive maze, beat Netflix in the first round with 71 percent of the vote, but later lost to Wal-Mart with 46 percent. Voting on the remaining eight companies (including EA) runs today and tomorrow, and the final four will be announced Thursday.

Go team?

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