The Last Story - publisher and localization details, limited edition talk, limited run
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 27 2012 23:41 GMT in The Last Story
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A portion of an IGN interview with Ken Berry, Director of Publishing for XSEED...

IGN: Can you give us a little insight into how XSEED became the publisher for The Last Story? Was this an opportunity Nintendo presented you with? Was this something you sought out?

Berry: This was something that we sought out from our side. The Last Story had all the qualities we look for when determining a title to pursue based on the quality of the game and its marketability in the North American market, so we asked Nintendo about the possibility and they were receptive to our initial inquiry.

IGN: The Last Story has been complete for well over a year, and it has just arrived in Europe. Will the North American version of the title be exactly the same as the European version? Are you making any localization adjustments or changes?

Berry: The plan is to offer the same consistent product across all territories, so the North American version will essentially be identical to English versions released in other areas.

IGN: The European release of the game saw a limited edition version of the game, with a steel book case, soundtrack and art book. Are you considering doing the same for North America?

Berry: This is something that is still being considered right now. Though nothing is final yet, we hope to be able to announce something fairly soon.
IGN: Do you anticipate a limited run for the game? If demand is present, will you consider manufacturing another run of the game?

Berry: Yes, we do anticipate a limited run for the game as we already have a number in mind of how many units we can expect to sell of this title, and all our pre-production efforts will be geared towards being able to manufacture a final number somewhat close to our initial estimated number. It's too early to start thinking of doing additional runs, but as a general policy we haven't been very active on doing reprints of our other titles so far.

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