Project X Zone - screens, art, official site, developer interview
Posted by GoNintendo Apr 11 2012 17:27 GMT in Project x Zone
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Check out the official site here

Check out more screens and art here

- Namco Bandai's Kensuke Tsukanaka, the game's producer, approached Capcom to work on this game, and then brought in SEGA
- Capcom's Tatsuya Kitabayashi said that he and Kazuhiro Tsuchiya are overseeing the project on Capcom's side
- this is a "project that realizes a dream crossover"
- choosing a name with all three company's names included would have been too long
- Characters have all their familiar moves
- Ulala has a "Tension Blaster" move.
- character list is not final, and there are more hidden characters as well
- some of the characters not suited to RPGs will still fight in ways you'd expect them to
- details on the battle system in a follow-up report
- 50% complete, due out this year in Japan

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