Shoot Many Robots Updated
Posted by Valve Apr 11 2012 20:34 GMT in Shoot Many Robots
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Update notes:
  • Saves work reliably if you have a Windows profile names that contains Unicode characters
  • Fix for a crash when the host quits while a client has a quit confirmation dialog up
  • Fix for a crash when the host toggles vertical sync during a multiplayer match
  • Reduced brogue duration for the Souvenir Tam O'Shanter
  • smrconfig.ini file is written right away when the game launches, so that you can manually edit settings before you've changed them from the defaults
  • Additional graphics options exposed in smrconfig.ini, so that you can disable them if you have a lower-spec machine:
    • Anti-aliasing
    • Fog
    • Outline rendering
    • Global illumination
    • Shadow filtering

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