Miyamoto on a Legend of Zelda directly after ALttP, F-Zero and Wii U, Angry Birds praise, smartphone games
Posted by GoNintendo Apr 12 2012 17:40 GMT in Miyamoto
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The following comments come from Shigeru Miyamoto...

On a new Legend of Zelda that starts after A Link to the Past...

"I think the answer would be the same if we're talking about just porting, but I think I'd be even more interested in creating something new maybe based on, or starting from, A Link To The Past. I think it's important to bring some really new software.

"To be very honest and open, it really depends on the directors that have time at the moment as well. Some directors, I can give them the title and I know they will do something great with it.

Other directors I'm not so 100 per cent confident [in], so they're the ones I'd rather take a more remake approach to the title. It really depends on that as well."

On praise for Koichi Kawamoto, the man behind the concept demo that birthed the WarioWare series...

"(Kawamoto is) a very strong figure [who] will play a very important role in the future."

On the F-Zero series and Wii U...

"I think at the time it (F-Zero) was a really big surprise, a new thing, a product that made sense. I don't see with current hardware how you could create a similar surprise. But maybe with future hardware, with Wii U coming up, maybe we could create something that does make sense, either as a smaller game, or a fully fledged title."

On praise for Angry Birds, but how it could have been better if made for DS

"There aren’t many games that I’ve played recently that have been truly convincing to me. But that said, I have very much enjoyed Angry Birds, especially the way in which it combines traditional and new game elements in exciting ways. Angry Birds is a very simple idea but it’s one of those games that I immediately appreciated when I first started playing, before wishing that I had been the one to come up with the idea first. I mean, obviously I want to be the one creating the most convincing, surprising game ideas.

In particular the control scheme is excellent. When you analyze it, the controls are actually quite fuzzy in terms of the way that it works. It takes a little while to get used to the controls, I think, but once you’ve mastered them, you have a lot of precision. To make it the interface and controls work that well and intuitively… well, I think a lot of work went into getting that right.

Obviously, if the developer had created the game for Nintendo DS the controls would have been even better, but what can you do?"

On keeping an eye on smartphone games...

"I check up on them sometimes, but I don't have a lot of time. I think we also have a history of having certain fun ideas and making a game out of it, and there's lots of other people also doing this [now]. This kind of environment inspires us to try even harder, and create even more unexpected new things."

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