God of War: Ascension is Coming to PS3
Posted by PlayStation Blog Apr 19 2012 07:38 GMT in PlayStation News
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Hi everyone! I’m Todd Papy, the game director of the recently announced God of War: Ascension. As most of you were recently made aware, God of War: Ascension will be coming exclusively to PlayStation 3. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to check out what the team at Sony Santa Monica Studios has been working on, I’m excited to present you with our very first trailer. Watch it and let us know what you think in the comments!

I’m sure your mouth is watering for more, but unfortunately I have to leave you with that for now. Be sure to tune in to PlayStation.Blog and God of War: Ascension on Facebook on Monday, April 30th at 8am Pacific Time for a live streaming event that will give you a glimpse of what’s in store for God of War: Ascension. I’ll also be answering your questions about the game, so follow @PlayStation on Twitter and Tweet us your best questions by 3pm Pacific Time this Friday — be sure to include #godofwarascension in your Tweet so we can find it (we’re expecting a lot of questions!) If we pick your question to ask during the show, we’ll even send you a signed God of War: Ascension poster.

Thanks and see you on April 30th! There is much more to come.

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