Rumor: Rayman Origins sequel ideas show up in marketing survey
Posted by Joystiq Apr 23 2012 18:15 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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It's no secret that we love Rayman Origins. We'd love to play a sequel, and the first game was profitable for Ubisoft. A Rayman Origins sequel doesn't seem like such an impossibility.

A survey from marketing firm Arkenford - Ubisoft is one of its clients - is apparently shopping the idea around. According to some images grabbed from a survey and sent to Kotaku, a potential sequel could feature dragons, ghosts and gods from Greek mythology - that and the same four-player drop-in/drop-out co-op gameplay. Of course, a survey is hardly a confirmation that something is in the works. Best to keep expectations low.

We've inquired with Ubisoft and will let you know if we hear anything back.

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