Cryptic Servers Hacked, You Know The Drill
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 26 2012 10:00 GMT in Star Trek Online
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It feels like it’s been ages since a major game company reported a break in from a gang of keyboard-wielding malcontents – and for Star Trek Online and Neverwinter developer Cryptic, it actually has been ages. Well, not actual ages. There were no lances, moats, or trebuchets involved (to my knowledge), but today – in the Neo Future Space Year 2012 – Cryptic cautioned users about an “unauthorized access” from December 2010. And while that certainly spooks an entire flock of northward-migrating eyebrows from their cozy forehead nests, there are more immediate concerns at hand. The short version: while Cryptic has “no evidence” that anything beyond usernames and encrypted passwords were taken, you should still change your password and keep a close eye on credit card info.


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