Minerva’s Decree: Lo, The Fullbright Company Is Formed
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun 12 years ago in BioShock 2
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Just a quick one as a) I don’t have much information for you as yet and b) I managed to hit my head on my own desk really hard earlier and need a lie down, but I thought perhaps some of you would be interested to hear news on The Fullbright Company, aka what the lead designer of the excellent Minerva’s Den add-on for BioShock 2 did next.

After working on assorted BioShocks at 2K Marin and then Irrational, Steve ‘Fullbright’ Gaynor got back together with fellow ex-Irrational/Marin types and Minerva collaborators Johnnemann Nordhagen and Karla Zimonja, and they’ve set up this new indie studio based out of Portland, Oregon. “We missed working on a small team, on a small project, focused on telling a personal story in a player-driven way. We wanted to do that again. It was fun last time.”(more…)

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