Why Elder Scrolls Online Needs To Be A Sandbox
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 09 2012 16:30 GMT in The Elder Scrolls Online
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Game Informer has picked up the first official screen of The Elder Scrolls Online (above) and, well, hmmm. I feel like, if I sighted it while at some sort of game screenshot social gathering, I’d congratulate Kingdoms of Amalur and WoW on their successful coupling, and ask them what they’re naming it. Then Elder Scrolls would walk up and inform me that it – and not Kingdoms of Amalur – is currently seeing WoW, and a lightbulb factory’s worth of scandalous thoughts would pop up in everyone’s heads, but no one would say anything. It’d be really awkward.

And yet, despite the inbred fantasy genes of that image, I’m still rather interested in this game. Why? Well, it might not be the Elder Scrolls you know and love, but maybe that’s not such a bad thing. If done properly (and, mind you, that’s a big if), it could be even better. Let’s explore.


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