Rumor: Super Street Fighter IV unveiling tomorrow
Posted by Joystiq Sep 28 2009 20:30 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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Capcom recently launched one of the most nebulous video game teaser sites in recent history, hinting at an update for Street Fighter IV. All said site displays is a short video clip of what we believe is the music video for A-ha's "Take On Me" spliced together with footage of some sort of fluorescent fluid swirling lazily down a toilet drain. Also, a date and time: "2009.09.29. 17:00 JST." Whoa. Capcom's on Joystiq Standard Time, too? Fortunately, French site JV247 has received a few purported, light-shedding screenshots from an anonymous source at Capcom. If legit, these screens reveal the existence of the oft-rumored Super Street Fighter IV -- a retail game (or perhaps just a DLC expansion) that will add at least two Street Fighter regulars to the game: Juri and T. Hawk (seen above). These screens look like the real deal, but details from the source are scant.Stay tuned -- an official announcement is expected within the next 24 hours.

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