WB conjures up Harry Potter for Kinect this fall
Posted by Joystiq May 25 2012 16:11 GMT in Kinect
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The last time Harry Potter used the magic of Kinect, the results were less than magical. Now, WB and developer Eurocom are bringing the world of Hogwarts to Kinect with a much more "traditional" Kinect experience; minigames. It's called, of course, Harry Potter for Kinect.

The game follows the whole Harry Potter saga, with Harry, Ron, Hermione ... and you(r face scanned onto a player-created character!) You'll cast spells with gestures and voice commands, play Quidditch, choose a house, take part in duels, battle against Voldemort, and, as seen above, even cower in the girls' bathroom.

Harry Potter for Kinect will be in stores this fall, where it will sell many, many copies.

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