Smattering of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Vita domains registered by Sony
Posted by Joystiq May 29 2012 20:00 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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Hey, in case you didn't know, that Smash Bros.-esque PlayStation 3 game, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, is very likely also heading to PlayStation Vita. How likely? Pretty freakin' likely, especially considering the recently discovered group of domain registrations from Sony Computer Entertainment of America tied to URLs like "," "," and ""

As with so many of these discoveries, Superannuation spotted the URLs - URLs that pretty clearly identify a Vita-based version of the brawler. We'll be saying this a lot this week, so get used to it: we've reached out to Sony for more info, but only got "we don't comment on rumor or speculation" in return. We expect more info next week during E3.

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