Trailer Overwhelming: Quantum Conundrum’s PrE3 Taster
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 31 2012 23:44 GMT in Quantum Conundrum
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Too much or too little. It seems like game trailers can never show just enough. I’m dubbing it the Quantum Conundrum Conundrum in honor of today’s absolutely unhinged trailer for Kim Swift’s brain-twister. I mean, I suppose it’s understandable, given that Square and Airtight (Squaretight?) had to condense four dimensions‘ worth of stuff into one video. But goodness, there’s a lot going on here. Boxes fluffifying, safes swooping in meticulous, war-like formation, and images shifting every two seconds – as though powered by my web-browsing habits. It’s all a bit much. Watch the full thing after the break. Then re-watch it to figure out what was actually going on.


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