Home Launches, Keeps Us Up At Night
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun 12 years ago in PlayStation Home
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Given that I’m from the majestic, apparently spacious-sky-ed nation of Amercia, I should probably be sleeping right now. Alas, however, I face a dilemma: I really want to play Home. As in, right now. It’s freshly available for a pithy $2.00/£1.39, and – between a frantic, senses-strangling trailer and a fantastic fictional Twitter account – it absolutely nails the nauseating air of mystery that makes it impossible to look away from great horror flicks – even though you really, really want to.

So then, what’s with all this MRI business? What happened to the main character’s significant other? My brain is sitting in the front row of my skull, eagerly awaiting answers. It’s incredibly painful. But I’m also kind of a giant wuss, and scary things make me turn lights on. So then, to sleep or not to sleep – Home is the question. While I deliberate, here’s this part-live-action (they’re all the rage) launch trailer.


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