Nintendo Unveils Hardcore Wii U Controller
Posted by Kotaku Jun 03 2012 22:05 GMT in Wii U
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#nintendo The point of the Wii U is that it has a fancy, touch-screen controller. That may not be suitable for all titles, though. Especially ones being ported from other consoles. For that, much like the Wii, the Wii U will have a Pro Controller, one resembling those of Nintendo's competitors. More »


oh god what a relief, the days of awkward motion controls might be over for me
Reply by Nastasia Jun 04 2012 01:45 GMT

Reply by Super-Claus Jun 04 2012 01:55 GMT

not bad

Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 04 2012 03:03 GMT
i don't get why they couldn't just reuse the classic controller
i mean i know this thing is supposed to copy the tablet layout but still
this thing is ugly
this doesn't look anything like a tablet what are you on
Reply by Slim Jun 04 2012 04:55 GMT
wrong topic ph1r3. gj
Reply by Nastasia Jun 04 2012 07:35 GMT

the button layout

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