Weirdbiff: Zeno Clash II Arriving In 2013!
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun 12 years ago in Zeno Clash 2
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There’s going to be Zeno Clash sequel in 2013! Trailer below, showing Father-Mother and Ghat leaping from a huge building, with Golem watching. Then there’s huge landscapes, a giant arm sticking out of the ground, and plenty of weird-looking cities. Ace Team explain that it’s going to be a much bigger deal this time: “The world of Zenozoik comes alive like never before, an open world waiting to be explored, rendered with breathtaking splendor. As Ghat, players can fully and freely explore every natural and architectural wonder his world has to offer.” There’s a website with absolutely no more detail over here, but we can hopefully expect more of the game’s melee combat, and plenty of inspiring strangeness.

Hooray for E3 announcements, eh readers?(more…)

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